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Convergence is a raw, powerful, transformative journey that takes you to the depth of your parenting leadership.
Your relationship with your kids is the most powerful relationship in the world. Nowhere else in your life will you have the opportunity for as much impact, influence or meaning.
Have you ever noticed that there’s plenty of good parenting advice out there? Encourage your child’s authenticity! Offer them empathy! Meet your child where she’s at! Allow him to be who he is!
And above all else, be a source of secure attachment. You will, after all, give rise to the foundation of their consciousness: the joy they hold, the dreams they have and the pain they carry.
But there is a missing element in nearly every piece of parenting advice out there—and it’s this: How can I lead my child if I can’t first lead myself?
Who do I become when the ground starts to shake—when I am swallowed by my own storms of stress, anxiety, fear, frustration, boredom and inadequacy?
Notice how I can almost always hold your pain UNTIL it puts me in mine.
Sure, I can be open-minded, empathic, flexible and peaceful UNTIL I am triggered. But who do I become when I don't like the words coming out of your mouth?
Who do I become when your behavior creates more work for me?
Who do I become when you stand in the way of Life according to me?
In my quiet moments, though, I sometimes catch a glimpse of the truth of my life: That if I need to wait for you to claim my leadership, then I’m not leading you at all.
And so I promise: This year, I will heal it all so I can hold it all.
With thundering clarity, I am now ready to claim the power I was intended to carry. In all the stories of my life, the story that will matter the most will be the one I'm able to tell about who I was with the people who loved me most.
Convergence is a program beginning 02/22/2022 consisting of:
- Four (4) thought leadership sessions about the deepest, most powerful ways to think about parenting.
- Four (4) masterminds where we come together in an intimate, powerful, safe and sacred space to share, connect and touch our parenting potential in ways yet unclaimed.
Approximately 10 hours of live, interactvie programming. $1,000 until 12/23. After 12/23, price increases to $2,022.
How is the program structured?
Convergence has 2 components:
- Four (4) parent leadership sessions about the deepest, most powerful ways to think about parenting.
- Four (4) masterminds where we come together in an intimate, powerful, safe and sacred space to share, connect and touch our parenting potential in ways yet unclaimed.
There's a billion forms of parenting advice out there. What's unique about Convergence?
Two things:
- There is a vital piece missing from virtually every piece of parenting advice out there and it's this: I cannot give to you what I do not have.
Think about it like this: As a parent, are you surprised that your children want your attention, attunement, patience and consistency?
No! Everyone already knows this. That's not the confusing part!
The confusing part is why do I keep stumbling in the ways that I keep stumbling? Why do I have so much trouble being consistent? Why am I so impatient? How come I feel so distracted? Why does this this job, rooted in deep love, often feel like such drudgery?
Convergence is so powerful because it targets the greatest force of all: YOU. You are the most powerful person in your parent-child relationship. And unlike most parenting programs that center the child, this program centers the leader.
Because when the leader truly leads, the led will follow. - The 2nd thing that sets Convergence apart is that we will be using a special assessment, called the Enneagram. The Enneagram is a powerful system that will offer you profound personalized insight into how you interpret the world, your children, your pain and your power.
Why is this important?
Because your clarity is the foundation of your power. This system will give you great clarity into where you stumble and how you rise.
What are the dates?
- The parent leadership sessions are 02/22, 02/28, 03/07, 03/14. The tentative time will be 12pm CST or 7pm CST. These are ~1 hr
- The masterminds are 02/24, 03/02, 03/09, 03/16 at 7pm CST. These are ~1.5 hours.
What if I can't make the parent leadership sessions?
No problem; you can catch the replay.
What if I can't make the masterminds?
Convergence has 2 components: This is where we make the magic, so you'll want to attend these 4. The masterminds are where you will create your masterpiece, rooted in the intimate truth of your own lives. We'll open any question you want to tackle: What is the legacy of my parenting? What are my unconscious patterns around where I generally stumble in my parenting leadership? How can I let go of pain that does not belong to me? What is the story I want to use my life to tell?
Does it matter how old my kids are?
No. Why not? Because the best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is today. Your leadership does not depend on situational circumstances, like age. It depends on your energy. Claim it.
Is there a discounted rate?
There is no discounted rate, but:
- There is a payment plan. Simply message me.
- The $1000 pricing has been extended to 12/31.
Is this therapy?
No. I am a neuropsychologist who works with the brain and relationships. However, Convergence is expressly not psychotherapy. This program is for informational, educational, and entertainment purposes only. This means it will be profound + enjoyable. But no medical advice will be offered.
What is the cost of this journey?
$1,000 until 12/31. $2022 starting in 2022.
Feel free to reach out with any additional questions you may have.