NeuroHealth Partners is an organization dedicated to promoting mind-body wellness using modern advancements in brain science, mental health, and physical fitness.
In today’s culture, we put a lot of time into taking care of our bodies: We go to the gym, we avoid processed food, we eat organic, we buy fancy beds to get better sleep, we invest in ergonomic desk set-ups, we do cleanses to rid our bodies of “toxins.” And yet, despite years and years of scientific research linking stress to almost every ailment imaginable—heart disease, cancer, increased mortality, relationship problems, sleep deficits, work struggles and infertility—there is virtually no information on how to be mentally fit.
This is why BrainTrain is different. BrainTrain allows you to take a powerful and innovative approach to mind-body wellness. BrainTrain provides you with information and techniques to better manage stress at the neural level. It’s vital to remember that stress is mediated through the brain. This means that the stress response is entirely reliant on our brains. Nothing about our existence—including stress—can be understood without our brains. BrainTrain is built on scientifically-engineered curriculum that empowers you to help your brain combat stress. Most fundamentally, it teaches you techniques to restore your brain to a more relaxed state. As your brain lets go of stress, it frees you up to do other things better: think better, live better, be better.